The Society of the Holy Trinity

A collaborative network of Anglican and Episcopal missional new monastic communities

Welcome to our website

The Society of the Holy Trinity is a supportive collaborative network that seeks to provide space, training, encouragement and ongoing development for those missioners, pioneers and others seeking to set up and sustain new missional new monastic communities, in the various Anglican Episcopal provinces in the Anglican Communion in the Anglican Church of England, the Episcopal Church of Scotland, the Anglican Church in Wales and the Anglican Church of Canada. We also seek to widen the Society to include small missional new monastic communities in the Episcopal Church of the United States. We are a small bottom up Society that humbly seek to support and encourage missional new monastic communities to be established and flourish. In this way we seek to share wisdom and encouragement.

The Society is an Acknowledged Religious Community of the Church of England, and as such is seen as a legitimate and accountable form of religious community, and therefore accountable to the Advisory Council of Leaders of Religious Communities and Diocesan Bishops of the College of Bishops. We are also seeking connection with CAROA which reflects Anglican Episcopal Communities in North America.

The Society has a shared Rhythm of Life and Constitution that holds together diverse, local missional new monastic communities as a way of living and modelling Christian spirituality as an expression of contemplative prayer, community and mission.

Please explore this site to find out more about our life together and if you have any questions please get in touch with us.