Those involved in Leadership of the Society of the Holy Trinity

Currently in the Society, there are five roles that help facilitate and support the Chapter of the Society that meets quarterly and drawn from the various communities and countries that the Society operates within. These currently are:

  • Chair of the Chapter of the Society

This important role oversees the running of our Chapter Meetings and seeks to support members of the Chapter. Currently this is Jen Bressers-Stuart.

  • Secretary to the Chapter of the Society

This role is responsible for planning Chapter Meetings regarding organising meetings and for the distribution of reports and minutes. Currently this is Simon Cartwright.

  • Development, Learning Formator to the Chapter of the Society

This role leads on organising regular short course learning opportunities for those in and outside of the Society, as well as facilitating a support groups for Pioneers/Missioners and for Priors & Sub-Priors. Currently this is Ian Mobsby

  • Chaplain to the Society

This is a new role where we seek to include a traditional monastic or mendicant to be a support to the various leaders, pioneers and missioners of the Society regarding shared wisdom and support.

  • Treasurer for the Society

This is a reasonably new role to oversee the Society’s Bank Account and small amount of monies. Currently this is Helen Waters involved in the St Thomas Pilgrim Community Ipswich and member of the Chapter.