The Benefits of becoming part of the Society?

  • For all participants, missioner and pioneers, online training courses offered through the Society will be free, which are charged for with others.

  • If you are just starting out or a community in formation, then there is a monthly missioners and pioneers online support group you will be invited to join.

  • You will be supported by the SoHT Community Development and Formation person called the Formator. This will be offered as needed.

  • You will be included in the weekly online Compline and Catch up on Thursday Evenings UK & Europe time, Afternoon North American time.

  • You will be included and communicated with regarding developments and a number of shared WhatsApp groups depending on your needs.

  • Once recognised as a pioneer or missioner, you will be invited to participate in our quarterly chapter meeting, so that you can participate in shaping the Society and form relationships with other leaders of local communities.

  • Usually in the process of setting up a missional new monastic community things can get difficult. Being part of the Society means you can reach out to other leaders and supporters to explore solutions to problems as they arise.

  • As the SoHT is already an Acknowledged Religious Community of the Church of England, and therefore has status in the Anglican Communion. This means that all communities who join in with the Rhythm of Life and Constitution of the Society automatically have this status.

  • For Communities in North America, we are as a Society connected with CAROA (The Conference of Anglican Religious Orders in the Americas) and NAECC (National Association of Episcopal Christian Communities).

    In the UK we are developing relationships with Episcopal Church of Scotland, and the Anglican Church in Wales.

  • In addition to the support from participants of the Society, we also have a Bishop Visitor to the Society, Bishop Jonathan Clark, and for all those involved in the Society, you have access to to advice and support from our Bishop if helpful.

  • The Society completed some standards documents for planning residential communities, and how to keep them healthy and safe. These standards draw on valuable experiences of residential communities which have been part of the Society.

    For dispersed communities, we again have some standards concerning community cohesion and community discipline policies that again help to keep things healthy and safe.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Society of the Holy Trinity either as someone who wants to become a recognised missioner or pioneer, or if you are part of an emerging new monastic community and want to explore becoming part of the Society, please click the email link above and add any detail to the email that will be opened on your Computer, Tablet or Phone.