Rhythm of Life

At the heart of our shared life is the recognition that with God, the Holy Trinity, ‘community is the deepest and most foundation reality that exists’ (Leonardo Boff).  Therefore, being part of an intentional Christian community enables us to meet our longing to deepen our relationship with God, with one another, and the wider world into which God leads us.  It provides an alternative way of life in a culture that is dominated by individualism and consumerism. 

The Society for the Holy Trinity is made up of communities who are pursuing the religious life, that is a life of ‘wholeheartedly following Christ, setting the Gospel into practice’. This vocation is common to all its members, who pray that by offering their lives in this way they might become a resource and treasure that enriches the whole life of the Church. The Society feels called to particularly express this life in the particular contexts. The Society is called to express its life as a service to and for the Church, in parishes and in deaneries, seeking to be servants of the servants.