Pioneers & Missioners Developing Emerging Communities
Information on Support Meetings & Gatherings
Zoom link for Online Sessions ID: 962 197 6824
Email link for Ian the Pioneer & Missioner Formator for the Society
Whatsapp Group Join link for Pioneers/Missioner Group
Essential Reading for Forming New Monastic Communities
The New Monastic Handbook: Seeking to promote the formation of new communities
God Unknown, The Trinity in Contemporary Spirituality & Mission, Ian Mobsby
New Monasticism as Fresh Expressions of Church
The New Monasticism: A Manifesto for Contemplative Living
Totally Devoted: The Challenge Of New Monasticism by Simon Cross
Ash Water Oil: Why the Church needs a new form of monasticism by Ned Lunn
Chaos Monk: Bringing Magical Creativity to the New Monastic Path
Punk Monk: New Monasticism and the Ancient Art of Breathing by Andy Freeman